Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Inquiry video

I have uploaded my video on the vimeo site. I filmed on 2 different days. I made them into one video but it was too large to upload. Therefore, I have 2 videos on domain two's site.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Inquiry Update #3

So I have been implementing my strategies of giving the students a reflection or activity for them to do when they think they are "done" and don't have to do anything. I can see how affective this was. At the beginning, I had over half the class off-task. Now that I've started using these activities, usually all of my students are on-task. Occasionally there will be one that isn't but I am so happy with the results. It is making their work more useful for them and keeps them going.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Inquiry update #2

This week I have been looking at my forms to see which students I can video. Luckily I saw this idea on some other people's blog for I totally forgot about it. I started giving the students a few extra things to do. This week I would just randomly count how many student were off task. I was amazed that there were 12 last week. This week the average was about 6. I feel like these activities are keeping the students more on task but I would still like to see more of them doing what they should be doing. I am going to give them some more things to do and see if I can get the number to decrease even more in the coming week.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Inquiry update #1

I am going to be focusing on making sure my students are on task and doing work when they "think they are done." Our school had a meeting with a behavioral specialist a few weeks ago. She gave us a check sheet where you can look at a student for 5 seconds and just check if they were on or off task. For my first week, I have decided to do somewhat of a pre-assessment. I used my check sheet on my small reading group. When I used the check sheet and looked at my students, I found that 12 of them were off task. I am going to start giving them things to do next week when they are finished. Reflections, extra work, practice spelling words, etc. I am hoping that by doing this, it will lower the number of off task students significantly.